Tuesday, November 24, 2009


A few days ago Ryan and I went to Target to get him a button down shirt. We were going to my “formals” later that night for my sorority. There’s a Starbucks in the Target in Selinsgrove, and I spied a poster for Starbucks’ latest sweet concoction and told Ryan I was going to get us something to share. I stepped in line behind an older woman, she looked in her mid sixties. She was talking to no one in particular, as the girl behind the counter was busy making other drinks. As I took my place in line she turned and began to talk to me, quickly.

“That’s my boy out there,” she pointed out the window to a man in a red target vest who was collecting shopping carts and drinking an energy drink. I smile. “Isn’t he big?” Yes, he is big in a few respects, but the first thing I notice is his hair. He has really long, stringy, strawberry-blonde hair. I smile, “Yeah, really big.” I think about mentioning his hair but decide not to.“Well his brothers even bigger!” I smile and nod, “Oh, wow, that’s pretty big.” Ryan approaches, warily looking between me and this woman. “He’s in jail,” she says abruptly. “Oh,” we say, looking uncomfortable. “I know it wasn’t a gun,” she says, “It was only a flashlight. They didn’t even look to see if it was a gun. How can they just do that?” her eyes are sad. I shake my head sadly, and say “How terrible.” “Besides,” she pleads, “it couldn’t be a gun. He doesn’t even like guns!” Ryan tells me he is going to the bathroom. I know he is escaping. The woman orders her drink, a “venti” shaken black tea lemonade, which surprises me. The worker asks the name, she says “Junior” but spells “J-e-r…..uh v-i-n…. I don’t like to spell that name.” She turns back to me and looks startled, “Hey where did your uh… your… was that your husband?” I consider for a moment and finally say, “Yes that’s my husband.” She smiles warmly, “Where he go?” “To the bathroom.” “Oh, they have real nice bathrooms here. They flush good.” I smile. Ryan returns. I whisper in his ear that we are now married, and that I’ll explain later. He says he looks forward to this explanation. “They have good ones in the Geisinger hospital now too. Re-did them. Real nice,” she says. I smile. I consider leaving this Starbucks. I don’t want to because it seems cruel, but even the Mennonite women who got in line behind me left when questions were directed to them. Hey, it can’t be too cruel if Mennonites do it, right? I decide this line of thinking isn’t helpful. I decide I will stay. I am determined to stay and let this old lady talk to me if she wants. She’s obviously lonely and just wants to talk to someone.

I think of the time I was in Moscow on the metro, going home after being out and about. I was standing, trying to balance and not hold on to the railing and it is very crowded. I am tired but begin to notice the crowd thinning. Then I notice a very sharp, unpleasant smell. It smells like stale urine and feces, beer and blood. As the crowd thins more I see a homeless man, he looks Mongolian. He is standing near the doors, wobbling a little. His clothes are streaked in dirt, as is his face. He has cuts on his face. Everyone packs into the opposite side of the car, the women cover their faces with their scarves and point at him, disgusted. He is crying soundlessly. I remain where I am. I ride silently behind him for about 4 stops. He gets off and normalcy resumes.

The woman gets her drink and plucks what I’m guessing is her husband from a chair in the corner. He is grinning. As we leave Starbucks I see this woman handing the shaken iced tea lemonade to a very obese man in a van, he looks like he’s 20.

Ryan and I get into the car. “So we’re married now?” he asks. “As far as that woman is concerned, yes.” We continue on this bit for the rest of the weekend. “Hey honey, could you do the dishes?” “Darling, where would you like to go for dinner?”

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Confronting our parents

Once, or maybe twice or more than that, but once in my recollection, when we lived in North Carolina my mom dropped me off to be babysat at her friend's house near the military base where my father worked. I was maybe 6 or 7. I hated it. The matriarch was some woman my mom's age, I don't know how she knew her, and she had a few kids around my age. All I remember of the day was being ignored by these children in their playroom while they watched that Alice in Wonderland TV show. Remember this?

I hated this show more than anything. I, unlike most children apparently, did not care for Alice in Wonderland. I was a pretty boring, mild little kid and it was way too sinister for my muted tastes. So there I was, stuck in this playroom with these kids that I suspected didn't like me, stuck watching this show that was at best boring and at worst really freaky. The mom appeared and, seeming to sense my frustration, announced we would be making cookies. Ok, awesome. Oh but wait, we go to make the cookies and I go to put some cookie batter in my mouth and she flips out and says I can't eat cookie batter or I'll get salmonella. Excuse me? Eating raw cookie dough is the best part of making cookies. Also, I have eaten raw cookie dough (not daily or anything but when I decide to make cookies...) for years and I'm not dead yet. Needless to say, the cookies did not comfort me. I had been chastised and forced to watch a weird show in a strange home with people I did not know or like and all I wanted to do was go home. I didn't understand why my mom would take me to such a place and leave me there. I never understood why all the other kids were picked up from school and I had to stay until 5:30 at after school care. I wished my mother didn't work so much or so hard, my father too for that matter, though now I know it was for the good of our family.
I heard a story on This American Life once about confronting our parents. When we're children we think our parents are perfect and are hurt sometimes by the things they do or say to us. When we grow up the best we can look forward to is reaching a day when enough time has passed that we can objectively confront them and ask them why they did certain things. By the time this day is reached the point is moot. Our parents are different people than they were and to point out their "failings" as a parent serves no purpose except to hurt them.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

happy halloweeeeeeen

10 cool points if you know my costume without me prompting you:

Still don't know? How about now...

If you have no idea you obviously aren't hip so I'll lay it out straight for you...

I'm just kidding friend, to me you'll always be the hippest kid around. And no one else got it either (but my how I delighted in the 4 people who got it right away...)
And sorry for the mac photoboothness, my camera conveniently died on me tonight, the night I needed it the most.
My Halloween was disappointing in different ways. And everyones costume was the same...not that there's anything wrong with that. I did see Hunter S. Thompson and a member of Team Zissou at the bar so that was cool. And a few different incarnations of Lady Gaga. By this I mean even creepy Lady Gaga such as:

I hope everyone else's Halloweens were better than mine. Show me your costumes!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

sexy song

Listen and get groovy

I've been learning German for two semesters now, and my current class is taught by a young German guy named Bastian. He actually has great taste in music so every week we have "Musik Montag" (music Monday in case you couldn't figure that out. That's the great and also terrible thing about German... the words are often close to English. And then sometimes they sound similar but mean something completely different....) Anyways all semester, as you can probably tell, I've been taking the music we listen to in class and putting it on my blog, on Ken Perkle (a super secret party people blog) or on facebook. So the above song is obviously German and I don't really know what he's singing about. Something about the moon. But I like it.

Also, something else I discovered just this weekend but that is old... The BBC back in 2006 played a four part miniseries of Jane Eyre and it's fuckin' awesome. I kid you not I watched the whole thing straight, as in all 4 hours of it. I forwent sleep for it, and I've read the book like 5 times. It was that great. WATCH IT! You can watch it free online, just google something like "2006 Jane Eyre online free" and click around, you'll eventually be led to an asian (...japanese maybe? I couldn't say for sure) website where you can watch it for free. So do it. The only thing I thought could've been done better was Bertha's part. She wasn't crazy enough for me. I remember the 90's movie where she was batshit, this one was only middling crazy. Like she kind of screamed and cried out "punta!" a few times (isn't that bitch in spanish?...anyone know?) And maybe she could've been a little more pathetic, like wailing. They pretty much insinuated the whole situation was her fault, and it wasn't. Anyways someone, everyone WATCH IT and then we'll debate this point. For now... bed.... need my beauty sleep because HALLOWEEEEEEEN is fast approaching and I love it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

this is...

this is my fella, and I miss the hell out of him
and this song always reminds me of him:

Monday, October 12, 2009

DC Ahhhoy

This weekend and today and tomorrow are fall break. AKA pointless 4 day weekend which is unhelpful to those of use who live more than 8 hours away. Although I shouldn't complain, because I went to WASHINGTON DC to visit my "big sister" Jordy!
And she lives in the scariest neighborhood. I thought I'd be murdered Saturday night and I'm not joking. I started to wise up to the situation when her roommate started telling me about "the drive-by" that happened the day before, or when Jordy recounted the story of "the metro car with blood everywhere." Despite all this Jordy is so sweetly optimistic it makes me feel like a grizzled old woman, paranoid and edgy, poo-pooing the "well meaning" strangers Jordy asks directions from and jumping out of her skin when Jordy asks the bus driver a question. "What are you doing!!?! He won't answer your question, that's not his JOB!!"

I'm thinking my weirdness stems from Russia. Now whenever I visit a big city I revert to Moscow mode, meaning I clam up, frown, and don't talk to anyone. I never asked for directions in Russia, even when I was lost. I figured it out myself and that was a source of pride for me. If it meant I didn't end up where I intended to go, that was ok. I brushed it off. Sure I wanted to go to the Pushkin fine arts gallery but this weird ass portrait artist guy's gallery will work just fine. Yeah Moo Moo would've been nice but what's wrong with a little street food? (answer: everything. Don't eat it if you can help it).

Back to DC... since Jordy works for a Jewish group (called Avodah) that houses young Jews and sends them to different non profits, her social activities tend to be all synagogue and Jewish social hour related (where they tend to offer free booze). So I spent Saturday night be taken to various Jewish things, including some holiday celebration, including horah dancing. I have never stuck out more in my life. I wouldn't have noticed it had Jordy not prefaced all this by saying "if you're worried about not being Jewish... don't worry, I'm sure they won't notice." When I said that actually, yeah they probably would notice since I more resemble a member of Hitler Youth than anything she amended it with "well, I'm sure they won't mind..." I don't know if they minded but they sure did notice. I was getting quite a few looks. Like, "hey, imposter. I know you're not Jewish. I know you're here for our free martinis and our dancing in the street." Or then again maybe this is crazy, paranoid Emma talking.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

the fruit bats

I've been avoiding this thing. At first, too many things were going on to write about. Then it was too little. Now I'm at a happy medium. I'm busy, I'm working, I'm tutoring (though whether I'm qualified to be doing so is up for debate...), I'm living. Having fun. Enjoying my senior year. Trying my best to practice piano as much as possible. Trying my best to avoid swine flu. Giving advice. Going out on weeknights sometimes, enjoying legal imbibing. Cutting my hair... man it is ugly. I enjoyed long hair because it exuded something that didn't necessarily involve me feeling a thing. Short hair is hard, you have to exude it yourself, you have to feel it. I don't really want to.
And German/German class sucks. What a terrible language. And what a terrible class. It's full of freshman who regard it as English story hour with a few German words thrown in to appease the teacher, who is new and gets completely freaked out 95% of the time because he thinks he's losing control of the class.
And Fall break is this friday and I have no where to go, and no one to visit me. I figure I'll sit around my dorm rearranging things and spending my evenings in the bar, quiet for a change.
So how are you?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

guess what?

I didn't dream of riding that beautiful bike like I wished. I had this weird dream about Russia and I was speaking desperately in Russian with a vendor on the street trying to get a bottle of water and then I got this sort of resigned sort of feeling and I thought "this is the beginning of the end." But it wasn't exactly... it was like the countdown had begun in my mind. I feel like if I get to go to Russia again the minute I step out of the plane this countdown will begin, because I'm not allowed to stay there. I'm not Russian and I never will be, no matter how hard I pretend. I'm American and that's that, I can't change it. So I just learn more languages and keep trying.
I got my hair cut a few weeks ago and the girl who cut my hair was exceedingly southern and also kind of dim, though it seems cruel to mention both of those facts in the same sentence. She asked me what I studied and I said "Russian" and then she asked me to say something. "Say something in Russia" "Uhm..." "Say happy birthday in Russia" "С днём рождения" "We got girls here that speak Russia too... I think it's cool." Then she told me about her twin sister who's also a hair dresser and they used to work together, until they both got married to men who work on oil rigs. She told me her sister always did what she did and they were married within two days of each other. Their husbands wanted them to be stay at home wives and my hair dresser said no way but her sister said way. She told me about her unhappy childhood and her volatile home life... it was uncomfortable to listen to, but she didn't seem to mind.
Ryan and I are going to New Orleans tomorrow and we'll be back Saturday. We're going to eat beignets, go to the aquarium, take a stroll down bourbon street in the middle of the day and go to a casino. And the zoo. And a ghost tour. And the Acme Oyster House. And Mother's. Jackson Square. French Market. See ya.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

pin cushion

I am a pin cushion. This is a phrase I heard at least 4 times today.
Because I got 20 allergy shots today. I sat in the allergists office for 8 hours and I got 20 shots, 10 in each arm. Apparently the serum that was injected into my left arm contained mold and grass and the serum they injected into my right arm contained dust mites and dogs. It's weird. And now my right arm has a large welt on it because I am significantly more allergic to dust mites than anything else. And as you can probably imagine, being injected every half an hour into an arm that is increasingly becoming more welted, red, and itchy isn't pleasant. Plus they up the dose slowly throughout the day so my last few shots felt like they were injecting me with acid.

But like most things in life, it wasn't as bad as other things. Like getting shots into your gums. That shit hurts worse. Or... having teeth pulled. That's way more unpleasant. Having a mound of fire ants crawl onto your feet and then bite you repeatedly. Cutting off the tips of your fingers with a ceramic knife while attempting to slice pickles and getting pickle juice in your wounds. Irukandji venom? I've experienced everything except the last thing so I can assure you that all hurts a bit worse than getting 20 allergy shots.
But sitting in a doctors office all day is really interesting. I learned a few things, like mainly I learned that kids do not like shots. They do not like waiting to get shots and often begin to cry, mope, and scream before the shot is even close to beginning. Then when they are actually getting the shot, they really hate that. They begin to scream and cannot be consoled, no matter what their mother promises or the nurse says. I heard mothers promise pizza, games, naps, sponge-bob and chocolate banana milkshakes, and none of this consoled the children. Even after the shot was long over the children would begin to recall the whole humiliation of getting a shot and still they wept. One little girl tried to reason with her mom when the time came for the shot,"Mom, I don't want to do this. I really don't. Mom, can we not do this? I... I really don't... Mom? Moooooooommmmm?" And then she screamed and screamed.
But I finished a book. And afterwords I got a orange creamslush, because I was good and didn't scream or cry.
Now I'm going to bed, hopefully to dream of riding a Gypsy Electra Cruiser:
If I had 500 bucks...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

tu me fais chat-virer

I don't have a job and I still suck at blogging. Oh well.
I'm wearing possibly the ugliest shirt I own that my dad gave me when I was in middle school, which has two cats and there are hearts above them and it says "tu me fais chat-virer." It's also completely polka dotted and looks for some reason like something one would wear in the hospital. The phrase means "you make me cat transfer," which I'm supposing is some sort of weird french slang. One of my teachers explained it once but I can't remember.
Actually, I think it just occurred to me. You know those word games where you will have separate words and then you just say them over and over until you come up with a phrase? I think chat-virer sounds like the word "chavirer" which means "to capsize." So you make me capsize. It's a pun, with cats (which happen to be my favorite kind). Oh those french.
Speaking of cats, I found this ice tray online that makes CAT SHAPED ice cubes. You better believe I'm going to buy it, that's too cute.
Speaking of....things... I have no job. And at this point it's sort of too late and so I probably will not be getting a job this summer. I've accepted this fact and now I'm actually relaxing instead of worrying all day about whether or not I'll be employed. I spend my time reading, going to the gym, and swimming. I recently discovered the joys of swimming underwater on your back so you are looking up and the surface of the water looks like a mirror. I don't know why it took me 21 years to find out about this but it's so fun it's addictive. I could spend hours swimming on my back underwater.
I also spend my time making ice cream. We have two ice cream makers so... how crazy is that? You can make two batches of ice cream at once! I know, I'm living the american dream right here. Lately I've been making really weird flavors, like cinnamon ice cream, champagne ice cream, and tomato ice cream. Tomato ice cream is disgusting and I wouldn't recommend eating it. But I hate tomatoes so I guess it was a pretty ill-thought out sort of thing. I usually give all the ice cream to ryan and his family since I don't know how to make low fat ice cream and I'm watching my waistline. The only complaint comes from his younger brother who wonders why I am incapable of making vanilla ice cream. Some people have no imagination.
On an unrelated topic, can anyone else not believe how old ira glass is? He's 50! He's got gray hair! He is only slightly younger than my mother! It's so creepy. I always thought of him as the voice of my generation, but he's old enough to be my dad. What a let down.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I hate to admit it...

but I kind of want to see this movie

I am the worst blogger in the wooorrrllldddddd

and i have no job and no prospects for a job since the manager of surfburger, the place I was assured I would have a job two months ago, called me today and told me in no uncertain terms that I would not be getting a job there this summer, then he yelled at me and told me to get dave, the owner and my dad's friend who was trying to get me the job, off his back. And I just stood there stuttering into the phone while this person who isn't even my boss bitched me out and told me how "pissed" he is at the owner and told me to get a grip and stop bothering him. I didn't mention how pissed I am that this manager strung me along for a month that I spent doing nothing because I thought I had a job. I didn't mention how pissed I am that I had to call several times because he never called me back no matter how many times I left my number, that I was blamed for not filling out an application even though every time I came by there were no applications and he assured me he had my number. What a nightmare.
So hello penny pinching summer!
To hell with this, let's all go to Russia. Let's take a night train ride out of Moscow, sleeping on bunks that feel like they're made of concrete next to a young Russian couple making out and a middle aged man with a pock marked face and a wary look. We'll wake up in Nizhny Novgorod and spend the day taking notes of boring peasant artifacts and the largest matryoshka in the world. At sunset we'll climb to the top of these stairs at and gaze past the Kremlin walls to the waters of the Volga. Let's drink some homemade honey beer and give a toast to the bride. За жизнью

Monday, May 11, 2009


Hello all, sorry I have not updated in so long! School was crazy, someone stole my sigg water bottle (I just ordered another one- my water consumption has dropped drastically since it left my life and I need it back or I will shrivel up!), and of course the hellishly horrible 17 hour drive home. I stopped the first night at my aunt's house in NC and when I awoke and turned on the weather channel there were tornadoes and horrible storms all along I-77 south, and so for this reason I spent another day at my aunt's house. It was not, as Ryan insists, because my aunt just got two of the sweetest kittens ever! Though they are so cute and so sweet and tiny, only 7 weeks old.
Now I'm home. Last night I watched Twister, which was a mistake, because tornadoes are the bane of my existence. And as I type the weather is seriously deteriorating, to the point I have the weather channel and two radar maps open and am comforting myself in another piece of angel food cake with strawberries. I hate tornadoes. And as Twister clearly taught me, they are ever prevalent and deadly. And I am home alone and in charge of two dogs and three cats with only one shelter, the closet, which is full of vacuums and gift wrapping. And it gets hot in there with all of us crammed together.
well lets hope I can avoid the twisters. I'll just bunker down with Gilmore Girls and this second piece of cake

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Sigg

I got this water bottle in the mail today and I am officially in love with it. I want to drink water 24/7 just to use it. I just might.
Also, open suites tonight. Ugh. That means 5 hours of me going bat shit over my sorority, and frightening freshman. And singing. AND DANCING. And screaming. It's exhausting. Then only my piano recital, an 8 page phonology paper, a phonology hw assignment, a revised 6 page Russian paper and an in class discussion on said paper, a German final and a french(?maybe?) final until i am DONE. Sounds easy enough...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Marina's email to me, translated

"Dear Little Emma! From all my soul I congratulate you on your "of ageness" (21 years!) You earlier were intelligent and wise, but now it's official! I congratulate your parents, that they brought up such an amazing daughter! Thanks to the invitation of your mother, if God will someday grant me, I will come. You know, you also always will be a wished guest in my home in Moscow. 
I understand you, it will not be easy when your boyfriend is a seaman, however you will not just one time in life in this manner clash (with him)- men are often inclined to be obstinate like donkeys (this is a type of little horse but with long ears who croaks "ii-oh, ii-oh")."
It goes on to discuss her dog's stroke and recovery, as well as the improving weather in moscow.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

24 hours till birthday

24 hours and 30 minutes until BIRTHDAY. About a week ago I was really depressed about life and I was less than excited at the prospect of this birthday. Because this birthday has so much going along with it, and whenever anything is hyped up I can't seem to enjoy it. But now, 24 hours away, I actually feel kind of excited. Besides obvious reasons (aka the elephant in the room.... getting krunk legally!), it's kind of exciting that this will be my last exciting birthday for awhile. I mean... this is kind of it until I'm 30. That's a stupid, naive idea and I'm sorry mom, because I know you're rolling your eyes, and I know it's so shallow and doesn't even scrape the surface of what it means to deal with getting older. I just feel like since I turned 19 it's been a two year countdown to this damn birthday and it'll be nice to just do it. And do it safely, of course. One nice thing about living in a town that is roughly 3 square miles in size is that I'm in walking distance of the bar. It is literally around the corner... so no worrying about cabs!
I'm so boring, I'm sorry. I have nothing to talk about. I saw a movie for class tonight called "The Linguists." It was obviously for my linguistics class. It was actually a really funny and also sad movie about the reality of colonization. Linguists predict that by the end of this century, there will be only 10% left of the languages that now exist. There are now 7,000 languages in the world, and there will be only 700. On one hand I know there's so many other things we should worry about besides the dying languages of the world, but everyone has to do something with their life, and not everyone can teach HIV prevention in Africa, and not everyone can promote Habitat for Humanity, and not everyone can work against human rights violations. So someone's gotta go into Siberia and take down recordings of Chulym, a language in Russia with only 4 speakers left as of 2008.
After the movie Erika and I talked to our Russian professor Ludmilla, reminiscing about Russia. We talked about Shesh-Besh, the Uzbeki restaurant near the Moscow Zoo. We talked about Teremok, the blini chain. Sometimes I miss it so much. I was thinking today about the little triumphs that used to be so elating when I was there. At the university there was a coffee machine, and you paid 30 rubles for a little cup of coffee or cappucino. They had different kinds of stuff, you could get hot chocolate or black coffee, or just cappucino with milk or with chocolate. I remember the first few days I was staring at the options and saw the word "ванилний." I don't know why but it just puzzled me. Every day I'd get coffee, I'd see the word and try to figure it out, but I always forgot about it and didn't look it up in the dictionary. One day it just hit me, it was vanilla. In Russian "в" makes a "v" sound, but it looks like a english b. "B" in Russian is "б." So in my head I was thinking "banilni" instead of "vanilni." And even though that's a stupid thing to get mixed up, I was still so proud when I figured it out. That made my whole day. Nothing makes my day like that back in the states.
But hey, I got it good here. I shouldn't complain. Except about my willpower. I've been trying to cut processed carbs (and food in general) out of my diet (except for cereal, which is too delicious to forgo), which has left me with an insane craving for anything carby. I gave in after the movie and downed a brownie and a lemon square at the reception. Oh well. Better luck tomorrow, as they say.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

one month left

Some pictures from Ryan's visit. We had a really great time- we took a trip to State College, about an hour away, to go to the Russian Store. I spoke all in Russian to the clerk and apparently impressed Ryan. Then we picked a random Thai food place and ate super delicious fresh rolls, jasmine tea, and spicy panang curry. Delish.
This weekend was House Party. It was pretty uneventful for us, actually. We mostly hung out at the house but did manage to make it uphill to dance and eat hot dogs. Then Sunday Ryan and I took a trip to RB Winter State Park. It was really foggy and there was this creepy guy eyeing us from his car. Ryan was talking about how the situation would've made a perfect horror movie- deep, thick fog, in the forest, no service on my phone, creepy guys smacking a pack of cigarettes against his wrist and then hiding behind the sign to watch us... it was pretty convincing.
Anyways- I feel really boring today. I'm burnt out on school and ready to go home. Only a month away!

Monday, March 30, 2009


ryan left today. Miss him already!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Break's over

An octopus at the aquarium... they had a sign warning us not to tap on the glass because octie would flip out, so of course I wanted to do that really, really badly
The astrological signs were tiled in front of the Ringling Mansion and Anna and I could figure out all of them except this one. Naked man holding on to tree stump and taking a poop? We even enlisted the help of an elderly couple and they had no idea either. Eventually I googled it. It's Aquarius, the "water carrier." But this guy is not carrying water, he's dumping it. And why is he naked?
Mini circus! I could've spent a day looking at it, it was really detailed and so adorable.
me and my little!
Apparently they serve brain to their fish in the Mote Aquarium, I guess they want zombie fish. Just kidding! It's the aptly named "Brain" sponge! 

Wah. My spring break is over and I'm pretty bummed about that. It was a fantastic, relaxing time. I flew into Sarasota, FL on March 6th to spend the weekend with Anna. I had to take the 5 AM shuttle to get to Harrisburg Airport in time for my flight, and I figured that going to sleep the night before would just be a waste of time and it would be harder to wake up in the morning. Plus my friends were all up and partying, so I joined in the fun. And I indeed managed to stay up, but found myself in zombie mode around 3 AM when I realized I had been staring at a bowl of instant oatmeal I made myself for about 5 minutes. After that lackluster breakfast I went to my room to stare at my suitcase for 20 minutes before finally getting on the shuttle. 
Sarasota was fantastic. The weather was gorgeous and it's such a cute little place. Well... I guess not that little. But it's adorable! We got coffee Friday at the Sarasota Olive Company, a coffeehouse/olive company with really cool different olive oils. We ate dinner at Taste of Asia, the best damn Thai/Asian fusion restaurant I've ever been to. We then proceeded to drink an econo size bottle of wine and share secrets/etc., before trudging down to the weekly party, the "Wall." Like every other Wall I've been to, it was shut down exactly 5-7 minutes after I arrived. It was ok though, I still got my fix of new college dancing, a weird mix of that "haha look how awkward I am!" style dancing with genuine, unadulteratedly earnest boogying. 
I also managed to force two beach trips while I was there, drunkenly rolled a few cigarettes that Anna proceeded to throw away, visit the aquarium, eat lots of ice cream, see the Ringling estate, and get dog poop on my shoe. I also saw two awesome films- Psycho Beach Party and Let the Right One In. I ALSO ran into a Bucknell student on the New College campus! Then he turned out to be sort of weird so we ditched him. If I ever run into him on campus I will be mortified, and I will also lie through my teeth and say we were really messed up that night and had no clue what was going on.
When we were in the aquarium gift shop, Anna and I found personalized Mote Aquarium tins with mints in them. They had special messages printed on the outside like "#1 dad!" or "I love you!" Our favorite, however, was "You're Fired!" I can't imagine that that could possibly be the best way to go about firing someone, but I really hope someone out there has tried. The runner up for worst possible message to print on a tin of mints was "Gangsta."
I flew home on Monday and had a lovely, calm Spring Break spent with my mom, Ryan, and my pets! I managed to lay in the sun just about every day, went to the beach twice and actually got in the water. I saw Watchmen, which was ok, and rented a few movies. I wish I could've stayed another month but alas my time was cut short. 
I had to fly out today in inclement weather and I thought I was really going to die on the flight out of Pensacola- not so smooth. It was awful. The clouds were so extensive and thick I never saw the sky, it was like flying through a tunnel, which made me feel sick. The plane was tilted to an angle the ENTIRE time... I don't know if that helps things when you're flying in bad weather but it sucked for the rest of us. And by the rest of us I mean only me... when I panic I get really chatty and the poor girl next to me had to endure that for awhile. Then the plane began to drop very suddenly, the kind of drop where your stomach falls out and your heart jumps into your throat. I was really certain for a few minutes that that was it for me, I prepared to cover my head and curl up in a ball and hope that the initial impact didn't kill me and I could crawl out the exit without too many third degree burns. I was in complete panic mode, which kind of disappointed me. I've had an issue with flying for a few years now, but I've mostly been able to become a pretty subdued, rational flier but today I was just a mess. If my body could've talked it would have been shrieking. When we finally landed in Atlanta (and there was so much cloud coverage I didn't see the ground until about 7 seconds before we actually landed!) I thanked God and then tried to steel myself for the next flight (which was thankfully a LOT smoother). I'm just glad I'm not flying for awhile now!
And since spring break is over and class is tomorrow...I have a few things to finish up!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Russian Proverbs

За спрос не бьют в нос- They don't hit you in the nose for asking

Знает кошка, чьё мясо сьела- The cat knows whose meat it has eaten

Кто смел, тот два сьел- Who is brave eats two

Не было у бабы хлопот, так купила порося- The woman had no trouble, so she bought a piglet

Усь в честь, а борода и у козла есть-  Moustache is respected and beard is worn even by goats

Thursday, February 26, 2009

i miss...

Moscow. I miss the simple life. And by simple life, I mean a time when my only concern was learning Russian, and not getting mugged or raped. I miss the assumptions people made about me because I didn't have enough language to defend myself- they were usually nice. Galina Mikhailovna thought I was a trusting soul. I like that she thought that. Tamara Evgeneevna said I was boring. Ok, I can live with that too. As long as I bounced along, read a bit and did my best to spit out a sentence, they were happy. Here I have to explain things and let people get to know the REAL me, not the "I'm an american studying in Moscow aren't I naive la la la" me. There's no wall here preventing people from seeing me. The more I say, the more suspect I am. I miss exploring. I miss standing in Red Square and being so taken by the fact that I was IN red square. I miss posh McDonalds! I miss beautiful subways.
I miss actually sleeping, a ton... so, good night friends

Sunday, February 22, 2009

crafted to death

Hello friends, it's Monday morning and I'm completely exhausted from this weekend. I spent the WHOLE time crafting for my "little." Friday, Saturday, Sunday- all given to crafting. Perhaps this makes no sense, and so I should explain: in sororities, when a new pledge class comes in, the older girls may choose to take a little sister. It's a secretive process that culminates in Big/Little Week, in which the big sister, who is a secret to the little sister, gives her a ton of stuff, quite secretively. This means the big, me, has to buy a lot of clothing and then proceed to mark said clothing with CHI OMEGA. or XΩ. And so on. This involves several days of ironing, cutting, and puffy painting. I'm all done now and pretty handsomely in debt, but I'm pretty pleased with the effect.
To counter the debt I have gotten myself into, I worked two shifts at work on Saturday, one in the morning and one at night. They were both pretty relaxed, the night shift was completely quiet except for a few drunken groups stumbling into the cafe and making random drink orders. One guy ordered 5 shots of espresso, all in separate cups, but he didn't want the cups meant for espresso orders, he wanted regular sized cups. Then he forgot that he had ordered this so we made it and said "hey, you, your espresso is ready" and he looked confused and then went, "Oh riiiighhhht! Dude I will DRINK THAT UP. Give it to me!"
I know I promised a book review of the highly enthralling "Twilight" series but when I was shopping the other day I encountered the 3rd book of the series, entitled Eclipse. So you will have to wait another week or two for my rant.
Anyone else watch the Oscars? They were really weird. I haven't really seen any movies lately except for Doubt, so I had no real opinions but I was pretty spot on in my predictions. I was however desperately hoping Mickey Rourke would get best actor for The Wrestler but of course he lost to Sean Penn. Slum Dog rocked it, Kate Winslet finally got hers and began to hyperventilate on stage. How about Alan Arkin saying "Seymour Phillip Hoffman?"

Monday, February 16, 2009

to sum it up...

I guess you could say that this picture sums up my valentines day...
Just kidding! This picture sums up my friday the 13th. My friend Sara who is leaving very very soon for a semester in Australia paid us a visit this weekend. We began Friday night pretty enthusiastically, as evidenced in this picture, but then it somehow dwindled by 12 or so and ended with us ordering pizza and watching "The 10th Kingdom." I don't know how these things happen.
Valentines Day was pretty awesome, I ate way too much chocolate and felt pretty good about it, and saw DEREK TRUCKS BAND! I was completely blown away. I'm tempted to see another concert of his in PA in April- it was that awesome. Best live show I've ever seen (though that might change if I can ever score some Flaming Lips tickets...) Two of my roommates also saw it, and as we drove home together Beyoncé's "All the Single Ladies" came on the radio. We all looked at each other and sighed in disgust. Someone noted: "It's like we just ate this huge 12 course dinner prepared by the finest chefs in the world and now we have to go back to eating junk food." I couldn't agree more.
Today was my SECOND day of work! Yay! I was pretty stressed because it was the shift when my boss comes in and as I have seen and heard from some people, she is one tough old bird. She likes things done her way and she will bitch you out if you don't. Or just fire you. But she didn't get on my case so let's hope I can keep it that way. Apparently the trick is to always look busy. 
Well, I really need to get to bed, I've been having some issues balancing work and leisure ever since a certain mother sent her daughter the first two parts of one of the most addictive book series ever. Yes, I am referring to "Twilight." I received this box from my mom last... Wednesday? And I have already finished the two books, each 400 pages or so. That means some hasty homework and hermit-like activity. I'm a little ashamed to still be able to be caught up in the MOST ridiculous love/angst story I've ever read, and I'm already formulating my own little book review which I will share with you soon, and it's not all good. It's actually pretty bad. Mostly because this is THE most pathetic heroine I've ever come across. Even Harlequin Romance leading ladies could whoop this little vampire lover's ass. But anyways... more later. I'll be dead on my feet tomorrow for sure- good night!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy V-Day!

Does it seem like this valentines day is a bigger deal than it has been in the past? To me it seems that way this year. Any theories?
And anyone else tired of moaning and groaning from the "anti-Valentines" camp? I've been single too in years past on Valentines Day and somehow I made it through the day without grumbling about the Hallmark company, glaring at people who like to celebrate, and fiercely opposing those who wish me a happy day by saying "you mean happy SINGLES AWARENESS day." I mean... come on. We all know it's a BS holiday. We don't get the day off from school or work. Maybe you don't like the typical traditions, or maybe you don't feel like buying roses or being compelled to be "romantic." Then don't! I see it more as a day to let my friends know I care about them, tell my family I love them, and feel excused to indulge in some chocolate or whatever else. And, of course, if you just object to the holiday or don't want to celebrate it- don't! There are holidays I don't celebrate or necessarily believe in but I don't spend my day whining about the fact that it exists. I don't even really have any traditions around V day and I'm not stomping around, pissed at the world just because my boyfriend is 1,000 miles away and we won't be able to be together tonight. I'm watching a horror movie right now, I haven't counted calories in the cookies or pizza I've eaten today, and I'm seeing Derek Trucks Bands tonight. My advice: chill out, you should enjoy your day no matter what! Although that's usually my advice on any given occasion, to just chill out. 
So be cool everyone and have a great day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm sorry I'm so terrible at updating this. I'll make it my homepage or something so I won't forget.
That said... nothing really to update about! I've worked exactly one night at my new job, but am scheduled for a few more in the future. It's hard work but it's A LOT better than student calling, and all the people I work with are really helpful and friendly.
I've lost a total of 6 pounds in the last month, my new years resolution being 10 pounds. So close!
Annnnd happy valentines day! In celebration, here's a puppy:

And because I love kitties too, a kittie in a box

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Already February

I'm really bad at updating this thing. 
Let's see... I'm done training for my job and now the problem is getting hours! I'm only a sub so I work when other people can't work, but I'm not allowed to work certain hours until I get more practice. So far I'm working Feb 21st from 9-midnight, and that's it!! Although I've only been part of the mailing list for 2 days and already 3 or 4 requests for subs have come up. So let's hope these hours start rolling in or I will be in some monetary trouble.
I'm also recovering from a bit of an illness, although I'm now suspecting that it's a sinus infection. Our campus health center really sucks so I'm not too anxious to go there and get it taken care of. I'm almost over it so that's good.
I'm also in the process of mayyybe finding an internship in Pensacola for the summer. So far they all look horrible except for one where I would work for the tourism board, and it's only part time. That would mean having two part time jobs. 
Well that's all for now, but I'll try to write again soon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Job

Random pictures:

Erika, Me, Nina and Kyle on the kitchen couch.
Paige and me on City Day on Tverskaya. Seems like a million years ago!

Well folks I have a new job! I have one more day of calling left and then I am done! I have training next Tuesday, and then I'll be good to go. I'm only a sub so I'll get all the crap shifts, but I don't mind too much.
I am also having a severe dust mite reaction right now. Today I'll have to launder all my stuff, put the comforter in the dryer, find a HEP vaccuum and possibly an air purifier for my room, and I guess find a mattress encasing. I'm so tired of this- I can't wait until I can have my allergy shots and won't look like a swollen freak when I leave the house! It doesn't help that this house is a zillion years old, or that my room has carpet. Luckily it's brand new carpet but any carpet is dust mite haven. Argggh.
Let's see... I know I haven't written in awhile but I can't think of anything else that happened! My life is so busy yet so uneventful at the same time. Class, work, gym, etc. 
I'll write again when something interesting happens...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Era?

Well, there it is, a new year and a new president. Very few times before have I been watching something with the definite thought, "This is big." It's one of those "where were you?" moments. In my life I can think of only two other big "where were you?" moments, that being Columbine and 9-11. I'm glad to finally have something positive to add to the list.
I was in the bison with a ton of other students, kneeling on the floor to watch the big screen. I'm so happy to see a new president take oath, but I'm not as optimistic as everyone else seems to be. Our problems are far from over, and it's a lot for one man to accomplish. I feel like he already has so much weight on his shoulders, and we have so many expectations of him. It's really not fair but unfortunately it's the way things are. I don't think he will solve everything just because he's our first black president, but I think he is an intelligent person and will do the best he can.
And Michelle is soooooo stylish. My god.
What else... last night was my first night back at student calling. yay. I got one pledge on a credit card, but besides that it was pretty uneventful. I have had a nonstop headache ever since then, though, which seems to be a common side effect of this job.
But the very, very VERY good news is that I applied to work at the cafe on campus and I was called today... I HAVE AN INTERVIEW! That means within 2 weeks I could be done with student calling FOREVER. I'm just itching to make a great impression, but I think my willingness to work god awful hours might sinch the deal. God awful hours= weekends. 
Also I took a pilates class today and it was awesome. My legs hurt already.
That's about it, I'm going to go to bed and hope that this headache subsides.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Mind is playing tricks on me!

Guys... this is completely crazy. I just SKIPPED CLASS and I didn't even realize it. Literally. I went to French at 10 and everything was good.... and after class I went to lunch. No one was there and I was really worried, I thought I got the inauguration day wrong. None of my friends came and I was mad that no one told me they wouldn't be at lunch. I walked home and Nina's boyfriend was sitting on the couch, and I asked if there was something going on, like a big game or something, because no one was at lunch. Then I went in my room and saw the clock said 11:20. I was like, it's 12 not 11, and then it dawned on me, oh my GOD I just skipped class! I completely zoned out and just skipped class. I'm so mad. I'd rather skip class on a day when it matters, and anyways I was trying not to skip at all so I could skip the Friday before spring break. I wrote an email explaining what happened and just apologizing. I've never forgotten about a class before... this is nutso. I don't know what I was thinking.
Oh yeah, and I stayed up an hour later than I wanted to and woke up an hour early this morning to finish an assignment for French and go to the library early to print it. Then he didn't ask for it, and when I asked after class if he wanted it he was all, oh, no that's okay, you keep it. 
no, that's not okay.
what a weird day

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Unproductive Weekend

That's what I'm talking about... first weekend of the semester and I spent it: watching tv, playing guitar hero, watching movies, talking, eating, drinking.
But it was fun! Friday night Sarah and Ali came over to the house and we played cranium. Later we went to a frat where Ali's boyfriend lives and hung out. I left early and walked home in -10 degree wind chill weather! Brr! 
Saturday night we went to an art gallery at Susquehanna University where a new exhibit was opening. Nina's dad is the director of the gallery so that was fun. Plus free food and wine! It was pretty cool. It was another very cold night so I didn't go anywhere last night, we all stayed home and watched TV. 
And today I watched a movie, The Illusionist, which I hadn't seen in awhile. Sarah came over and then me, Er and Sarah made spaghetti and had a little family dinner. 
Tomorrow is my first day back at work :( I just can't wait to be screamed at by alumni all night. Hopefully no one will be home. 
I did apply for a job at the cafe on campus so hopefully I can snap that one up and then I won't have to call anymore!!! I'm also currently looking at internships for the summer. There are a few possibilities in Pensacola but I also applied to the CIA. It's a long shot, a really really long shot, but it doesn't hurt to try. If nothing else I'll spend the summer waitressing, saving up money. 
Anyways, I should go to the gym, and maybe do some homework too.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Day of Classes

Try this link instead... don't know why the other one isn't working.
So Today was the first day of classes, super exciting. I had French and German, then met with my friends for lunch. French was really hard- I could only think in Russian. I was saying something and then literally said "Da," then the teacher corrected "Oui" and I said "Right... Da... er, Oui, izvinite (sorry in Russian), uhm, desolee, errrr...." Then he paused a moment and said "well, just give it some time, I know it'll improve." And my class is full of freshman. I feel old and stupid.
German was also weird. Apparently the teacher has decided that the best way to teach a 101 language class is by speaking only in this language, flailing your arms madly, and gesturing weirdly. Yeah. She made us get up, run to the blackboard, and touch it. No so helpful since I can say exactly two things now: "Wie ist Ihr Name? Mein Name ist Emma." Beautiful... I think this class will go super well. I'm determined not to worry about it, I'll just go along, repeat after her and do whatever her flailing arms tell me to do. We'll see how well it all turns out.
Lunch was good because I got to see all my friends again minus Sara Russo! I hadn't seen most of them since MAY. Lunch was bad because I'm trying to slim down and I forgot to make a decent lunch this morning= Luna protein bar.
I'm all moved into my room and pretty much everything is set up. It's college chic- I made a desk out of some big boxes and covered it with a table cloth, and my bedside table/make up stand/bookcase is an old tv stand. To top it all off I have a poster of puppies sitting in shoes. Cute!
As soon as I can upload pictures I'll post pictures of my super pathetic single.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I am in love with this bike:
really expensive though :(
So I'm still in the process of moving into the house, my friend Sarah is going to help me get everything out of storage in Kress Attic tonight. 
Anyways nothing really exciting going on... classes start in two days!