Moscow. I miss the simple life. And by simple life, I mean a time when my only concern was learning Russian, and not getting mugged or raped. I miss the assumptions people made about me because I didn't have enough language to defend myself- they were usually nice. Galina Mikhailovna thought I was a trusting soul. I like that she thought that. Tamara Evgeneevna said I was boring. Ok, I can live with that too. As long as I bounced along, read a bit and did my best to spit out a sentence, they were happy. Here I have to explain things and let people get to know the REAL me, not the "I'm an american studying in Moscow aren't I naive la la la" me. There's no wall here preventing people from seeing me. The more I say, the more suspect I am. I miss exploring. I miss standing in Red Square and being so taken by the fact that I was IN red square. I miss posh McDonalds! I miss beautiful subways.
I miss actually sleeping, a ton... so, good night friends
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