Monday, April 11, 2011

5 things about colorado so far

..where I have recently moved.

1. It is very dry. Very very dry. On the positive side of this, my hair behaves more than when I lived down south. On the downside, I wake up and every day my lips are chapped. I have to put on chap stick ALL THE TIME and I wonder if this will ever end. My nose sometimes bleeds. My skin feels dry and cracked. Will my body get used to the dry, arid air? Will I always feel like a fish that poked its head out of water?

2. People drive terribly. TERRIBLY. They do not follow the speed limit and by this I mean they always go about 10 below the speed limit. They don't change lanes well. Stop signs occasionally cause confusion.

3. On top of this bad driving they have very bad ROAD RAGE and get very, VERY angry about all the terrible driving going on. They seem to be in a very big hurry all the time and need to express how hurried and pissed off they are by screaming, cursing, hand gestures, and last but certainly not least honking. They honk all the damn time. And a small anecdote about the ROAD RAGE mentioned earlier... Ryan and I were making a trip to Walmart for a few items for the apartment our first day moving in. We were exiting the Walmart parking lot and there was a slight misunderstanding about lanes between us and the lady in the turn lane next to us. No big deal, both of us were going about 15 miles per hour and we swerved and they swerved and no harm was done. The lady FREAKED OUT and honked and visibly flicked us off (with both hands) and we could hear her screaming from inside her car. We both started laughing because this was the biggest over reaction either of us had seen in a long time. At the stop light she GOT OUT OF HER CAR, approached our car, and started screaming at us, called us assholes and told us not to laugh because she had kids in the car. Then got in the car and sped off. This is just one example of extreme road rage I have witnessed. What gives? Why is everyone so angry? Perhaps its the vicinity to Denver and just big city attitudes but who knows.

4. Great beer selections available

5. Most the time the sky is so blue...

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