Monday, February 16, 2009

to sum it up...

I guess you could say that this picture sums up my valentines day...
Just kidding! This picture sums up my friday the 13th. My friend Sara who is leaving very very soon for a semester in Australia paid us a visit this weekend. We began Friday night pretty enthusiastically, as evidenced in this picture, but then it somehow dwindled by 12 or so and ended with us ordering pizza and watching "The 10th Kingdom." I don't know how these things happen.
Valentines Day was pretty awesome, I ate way too much chocolate and felt pretty good about it, and saw DEREK TRUCKS BAND! I was completely blown away. I'm tempted to see another concert of his in PA in April- it was that awesome. Best live show I've ever seen (though that might change if I can ever score some Flaming Lips tickets...) Two of my roommates also saw it, and as we drove home together Beyoncé's "All the Single Ladies" came on the radio. We all looked at each other and sighed in disgust. Someone noted: "It's like we just ate this huge 12 course dinner prepared by the finest chefs in the world and now we have to go back to eating junk food." I couldn't agree more.
Today was my SECOND day of work! Yay! I was pretty stressed because it was the shift when my boss comes in and as I have seen and heard from some people, she is one tough old bird. She likes things done her way and she will bitch you out if you don't. Or just fire you. But she didn't get on my case so let's hope I can keep it that way. Apparently the trick is to always look busy. 
Well, I really need to get to bed, I've been having some issues balancing work and leisure ever since a certain mother sent her daughter the first two parts of one of the most addictive book series ever. Yes, I am referring to "Twilight." I received this box from my mom last... Wednesday? And I have already finished the two books, each 400 pages or so. That means some hasty homework and hermit-like activity. I'm a little ashamed to still be able to be caught up in the MOST ridiculous love/angst story I've ever read, and I'm already formulating my own little book review which I will share with you soon, and it's not all good. It's actually pretty bad. Mostly because this is THE most pathetic heroine I've ever come across. Even Harlequin Romance leading ladies could whoop this little vampire lover's ass. But anyways... more later. I'll be dead on my feet tomorrow for sure- good night!

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