Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Era?

Well, there it is, a new year and a new president. Very few times before have I been watching something with the definite thought, "This is big." It's one of those "where were you?" moments. In my life I can think of only two other big "where were you?" moments, that being Columbine and 9-11. I'm glad to finally have something positive to add to the list.
I was in the bison with a ton of other students, kneeling on the floor to watch the big screen. I'm so happy to see a new president take oath, but I'm not as optimistic as everyone else seems to be. Our problems are far from over, and it's a lot for one man to accomplish. I feel like he already has so much weight on his shoulders, and we have so many expectations of him. It's really not fair but unfortunately it's the way things are. I don't think he will solve everything just because he's our first black president, but I think he is an intelligent person and will do the best he can.
And Michelle is soooooo stylish. My god.
What else... last night was my first night back at student calling. yay. I got one pledge on a credit card, but besides that it was pretty uneventful. I have had a nonstop headache ever since then, though, which seems to be a common side effect of this job.
But the very, very VERY good news is that I applied to work at the cafe on campus and I was called today... I HAVE AN INTERVIEW! That means within 2 weeks I could be done with student calling FOREVER. I'm just itching to make a great impression, but I think my willingness to work god awful hours might sinch the deal. God awful hours= weekends. 
Also I took a pilates class today and it was awesome. My legs hurt already.
That's about it, I'm going to go to bed and hope that this headache subsides.

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